mercredi 21 décembre 2016

[List I/1b] Kévin's Sumerians

This is the Sumerians (brand Eureka miniatures with some Newline design) from Kevin, a member of my game group.

These Sumerians constitute a single DBA army, not intended for the big battle DBA.

The king on his chariot

Char trailed by capricious onagres

A notable, at the head of light troops, tries to motivate the mercenaries Guti.

(More photos to come)

Sumer and Akkad

The Jebel Hamriim separates Mesopotamia into two distinct regions. The name Sumer (Sinéar in the Bible, Shumeru in Akkadian) designating the southern part is often opposite to that of Akkad, or Agade indicating the central part. The Sumerians did not constitute an indigenous population: probably from the East (Iran), they imposed themselves on a local Semitic population in which, they gradually melt. Around 3000, a Semitic wave from the north pushed the Sumerians towards the south: Sumerians to the south, Akkadian Semites to the north. After the conquest of Sumer by Sargon the old, the very name of Sumer will be preserved only in the protocols; That of Akkad will extend to the whole region. At that time, the inscriptions recapture Sumerian cuneiform signs, but the Akkadian as well as the Sumerian are still distinctly spoken until the last quarter of the third millennium.

(...) Mesopotamia owes to Sumer] the invention of writing, administration, teaching, laws and justice. In addition, the people of Sumer were already concerned with philosophical questions about morality, the creation of man and the universe, suffering and death. In the artistic field, what characterizes the Sumerians is their extraordinary ability to attain a level of technical perfection without any real learning.

 Text extracted from the page Clio la muse (More info on this page, in french)

Archaic period (3500 - 2800 BC)

GIF - 34.8 ko
Sumerian War Helmet - Ur - Third Millennium.
About 3500 BC. J.-C., human populations settled on the banks of the Tigris and the Euphrates. They founded their first cities. They develop irrigation, cereal crops and raise sheep. Cereals also serve as monetary units. Gradually, Sumer brings together small, independent urban states, each of which is built around a capital city under the rule of a sovereign who bears the title of king (lugal) or prince (ensi). (...)

Kish controls the trade routes between Sumer and Akkad, and is the only one of them. Nippur is an important religious city (...) The first territorial conflicts appear. Around 2875, the Akkadians seized momentarily the country of Sumer. Around 2850, Uruk dominated Kish. At the end of this period, the whole country is grouped around its religious center, Uruk.

Period of the ancient dynasties (2800 - 2450 BC)

(...) It is the time when the Sumerian civilization inaugurated a few centuries ago is really flourishing. This period is fairly well known from the Royal Sumerian List, a narrative written in the eighteenth century BC. On eighteen tablets found near Nippur. This list traces the royal line from the beginning of time. (...)

From 2500, there are inscriptions attesting to the royal dynasties of Ur. During this period, several kings distinguished themselves in their respective cities ... This dynastic period ends with the conquests of Lugal-Zaggisi which conquers Girsu, Lagash and Ur, thus creating the first Sumerian empire. During the archaic period and that of the first dynasties, the state of war was quasi-permanent.
Text extracted from the page Clio la muse (More info on this page, in french)