Book I contains the oldest armies dating from the so-called "biblical" period. The spectacular civilizations of high antiquity are developed there (Egypt, Sumer, Assyria, etc.). Light infantry and tanks characterize much of these armies.
Our biblical armies:
- [List I/1b] Kévin's Sumerians (Third millennium BC)- [List I/6b] Midianites or Amalhékhites bedouins
- [List I/14b] Bronze age Europeans
- [List I/43a] Skythians
- [List I/18] Antoine's Minoans or Mycenians (XVIIIth century BC)
- [List I/19] Mitanni empire XVth century BC
- [List I/20b] Moukichê kingdom (Alalakh) XVth century BC
- [Livr I/22a] New kingdom Egyptian (XIXth dynasty)
- [List I/24b] Hittite empire beginning of the XIIIth century BC
- [List I/44b] Neo-babylonians, 620 BC
- [List I/46a] Antoine's Kushites (VIIème siècle avant notre ère) "The Black Pharaohs"
- [List I/43a] Skythians
- [List I/18] Antoine's Minoans or Mycenians (XVIIIth century BC)
- [List I/19] Mitanni empire XVth century BC
- [List I/20b] Moukichê kingdom (Alalakh) XVth century BC
- [Livr I/22a] New kingdom Egyptian (XIXth dynasty)
- [List I/24b] Hittite empire beginning of the XIIIth century BC
- [List I/44b] Neo-babylonians, 620 BC
- [List I/46a] Antoine's Kushites (VIIème siècle avant notre ère) "The Black Pharaohs"