This part opposed the Assyrians of Kevin to my Midianite Arabs. It is therefore a part with historical context, the troops of Assurbanipal seeking to dislodge the Bedouin plunderers out of their territory in order to secure the Assyrian lands.
The wise eyes notice that the right of the ground is "photoshopée". Indeed, as two games were held at the same time, our game space "bite" on the waterway of my table (I have not yet realized its cache). We treated it as ordinary ground. That would have a little shocked on the pictures. The midianite camp (not visible in the photo) is placed on the left wing behind the camel drivers.
The terrain consisted of two dunes, a palm grove / oasis and two rocky / rocky terrain.
The Assyrian is the attacker. Aside from a palm grove, the land contains only elements favorable to dromedaries (dunes, rockeries ...)
The Assyrian army seen from the Midianites |
The Assyrian army (the figurines in the background are those of another part unfolding at the same time.) |
The psiloi midianites, taking advantage of the cover of the palm grove, threaten the Assyrian hordes and, on the other side, watch the main advance of Assurbanipal. |
Supported by the psiloi, a unit of camels managed to envelop the Hordes, attacked on all sides. It will be the first two losses of the Assyrian army but their status as a sacrificial troop allowed their companions to ignore their disappearance superbly.
The nearby camp, however, will now be offered to the appetites of midianite looters and will be the first real loss. Similarly, the hole made on the Assyrian left wing quickly brought about the disappearance of two infantrymen, caught in flank by the Midianite right wing exploiting its breakthrough. The surprise will rely mainly on the speed with which this carnage will unfold (DBA remains a game subject to the god D6)
A column of midianite warriors enters the palm grove. Following him (but outside the palm grove), the general positions himself in order to have a chain of command towards all his troops. |
The meharists of the left island take refuge in the cutlery so as not to be caught between the Assyrian horsemen and infantry. They adopt a funny training to avoid the unpleasant surprise that would have been the burden of the riders in the cutlery (taking flank, impossible retreat, all that sort of things...) |
The Assyrian cavalrymen, too confident, bypass the canopy. The meharists then arise in a storm and easily destroy a unit of horsemen caught flank and unable to retreat. |
Taken from the flank at the edge of the palm grove, Midianite warriors resist this ultimate Assyrian charge. This battle will remain there, the Assyrian army demoralized, leaving the battlefield. |
On the evening of the battle, the Midianites give rest to their dromedaries. (Even if the Assyrian bas-reliefs show, originally, an Arab captivity and take of war). |