High antiquity before 500 BC
For those who wish to try new armies
Before investing in real figurines.
These are links that I found a few years ago on the web.
Photo: society of ancients http://www.soa.org.uk |
- Ancients Flat Counters: Units listed below in counter form by Alex Kremer
- Sumerians: Spearmen (2), Officer, Standard Bearer, Archer, Slinger, Light Infantry (2), Chariot (2) - Ur & Lagash, King in Chariot by John Gypson
- Amorites & Gutians: Spearmen (2), Officer, Standard Bearer, Archer, Slinger, Light Infantry (2), Throw Stick by John Gypson
- Makkans & Elamites: Medium Infantry (2), Officer, Royal Guard, Archer, Musician, Shield Bearer, Throw Stick Light Infantry (2) by John Gypson
- Akkadians: Spearmen (2), Shield Bearer, Officer, Standard Bearer, Archer, Slinger, Light Infantry, Chariot, King in Chariot by John Gypson
- Miscellaneous Ancients:
Elamite Chariot, Amorite Chariot, Makkan Chariot, Gutian Chariot,
Supply Cart w. Tender (2), Pack Camel with Tender, Slave Laborer, Field
Granary by John Gypson
- Egyptians 1: Infantry, Sherden Guards, Archers, Libyan Archers, Nubian Archers, Chariot, Pharaoh in Chariot
Egyptians 2: Sherden Guards (2), Infantry (3), Chariot, Shield Wall Matt Hazelton
- Egyptians 3: Spear (4), Sword (4), Archer, Libyan Archer, Nubian Archer, Sherden Daniel Harper
Egyptian Shield Wall
- Kushite Egyptian (Top-Downs) Chariots, Cavalry, Spears, Bows, War Bands, Psiloi by Dirk Schoenberger
- Libyans 4 different by Dan Meijers
- Hittites: Infantry, Archer, Chariot, King in Chariot
- Shang Chinese: Chariot, Officer, Bowmen (2) Top Gun
Israelites 1: Chariot, Swordsmen, Spearmen, Skirmishers, Slingers, Archers, Light Spearmen James Byers
Israelites 2: Commander, Swordsmen, Spearmen, Ark of the Covenant, Banner James Byers
Philistines: Infantry, Skirmishers, Spear & Swordsmen (armored, unarmored), Long Spears, Archers, Chariots (2) James Byers
Assyrian Age Ram: Battering Ram with Firing Platform James Byers
- Achaeans: Spearmen (3), Archer, Chariot Michael Martini
(from http://www.juniorgeneral.org/ancients.htm)
Photo: society of ancients http://www.soa.org.uk |
A scenario of high antiquity battle illustrated with pictures of armies of paper: Battle of Qadesh